Football Coach is a must-have tool for innovative and successful coaches, managers and scouts. Aided by this app strengths and weaknesses not only of your own team but also of opposing teams can be analyzed. This competitive advantage might decide whether your team wins a championship or not. Unanswered questions like “How many shots does a player need to score a goal?” or “How does an opposing player shoot penalties?” is a thing of the past.
The following analysis can be executed:
• Shot stats
• Scoring stats
• Assist stats
• Plus / Minus stats
• Penalties
• Notes about specific players
Each stat can be filtered by season, league or individual players. Stats can be analyzed during games and be used as a foundation of your next speech inside the locker room. Other than that analysis can be exported and shared by email or social media.
Another feature that comes with this app is the management of lineups. Either your own team but also the opposing team can be tracked.
Furthermore this app offers a digital drawing board, which can be used for tactical meetings or to create drills. Created drawings can easily be saved as images and be posted at the wall of your locker room. It comes with common symbols, like pylons, ball or attacking/defending team. In addition to that finger drawn lines can be visualized as different types, such as passing or running forward with ball.
Lineups, stats or practice drawings can be exported and shared by email or social media. In addition to that, these images can be saved and therefore coaches can make them available to players in a printed or digital version inside the locker room.
By using this app long bus rides can be used for an efficient preparation and post-processing of games.
Pelatih Sepakbola adalah alat yang harus dimiliki untuk pelatih, manajer, dan pemandu yang inovatif dan sukses. Dibantu oleh kekuatan dan kelemahan aplikasi ini tidak hanya dari tim Anda sendiri tetapi juga tim lawan dapat dianalisis. Keunggulan kompetitif ini mungkin memutuskan apakah tim Anda memenangkan kejuaraan atau tidak. Pertanyaan yang tidak terjawab seperti "Berapa banyak tembakan yang dibutuhkan pemain untuk mencetak gol?" Atau "Bagaimana cara pemain menendang penalti?" Adalah sesuatu dari masa lalu.
Analisis berikut dapat dieksekusi:
• Statistik tembakan
• Mencetak statistik
• Statistik bantuan
• Statistik Plus / Minus
• Hukuman
• Catatan tentang pemain tertentu
Setiap statistik dapat difilter menurut musim, liga, atau pemain individu. Statistik dapat dianalisis selama pertandingan dan digunakan sebagai dasar pidato Anda berikutnya di dalam ruang ganti. Selain itu analisis itu dapat diekspor dan dibagikan melalui email atau media sosial.
Fitur lain yang datang dengan aplikasi ini adalah manajemen lineup. Entah tim Anda sendiri tetapi juga tim lawan dapat dilacak.
Selanjutnya aplikasi ini menawarkan papan gambar digital, yang dapat digunakan untuk pertemuan taktis atau untuk membuat latihan. Gambar yang dibuat dapat dengan mudah disimpan sebagai gambar dan ditempelkan di dinding ruang loker Anda. Itu datang dengan simbol umum, seperti pylons, bola atau menyerang / membela tim. Selain itu garis yang ditarik jari dapat divisualisasikan sebagai jenis yang berbeda, seperti lewat atau berlari maju dengan bola.
Formasi, statistik, atau gambar praktik dapat diekspor dan dibagikan melalui email atau media sosial. Selain itu, gambar-gambar ini dapat disimpan dan oleh karena itu pelatih dapat membuatnya tersedia untuk pemain dalam versi cetak atau digital di dalam ruang ganti.
Dengan menggunakan aplikasi ini, naik bus panjang dapat digunakan untuk persiapan yang efisien dan pasca-pemrosesan game.
Football Coach is a must-have tool for innovative and successful coaches, managers and scouts. Aided by this app strengths and weaknesses not only of your own team but also of opposing teams can be analyzed. This competitive advantage might decide whether your team wins a championship or not. Unanswered questions like “How many shots does a player need to score a goal?” or “How does an opposing player shoot penalties?” is a thing of the past.
The following analysis can be executed:
• Shot stats
• Scoring stats
• Assist stats
• Plus / Minus stats
• Penalties
• Notes about specific players
Each stat can be filtered by season, league or individual players. Stats can be analyzed during games and be used as a foundation of your next speech inside the locker room. Other than that analysis can be exported and shared by email or social media.
Another feature that comes with this app is the management of lineups. Either your own team but also the opposing team can be tracked.
Furthermore this app offers a digital drawing board, which can be used for tactical meetings or to create drills. Created drawings can easily be saved as images and be posted at the wall of your locker room. It comes with common symbols, like pylons, ball or attacking/defending team. In addition to that finger drawn lines can be visualized as different types, such as passing or running forward with ball.
Lineups, stats or practice drawings can be exported and shared by email or social media. In addition to that, these images can be saved and therefore coaches can make them available to players in a printed or digital version inside the locker room.
By using this app long bus rides can be used for an efficient preparation and post-processing of games.